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Forum FAQs [outdated]

Adobe Employee ,
Mar 29, 2016 Mar 29, 2016

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Help! It looks like everyone can see my full name.

The default setting in our forums is that you are able to see your full name, but your fellow forum users can only see your screen name. However, this causes some confusion as it appears that others can see your full name. Don't worry- they cannot! [Note: Employee Admins are an exception to this and can see your name].


To confirm this:

  • Click on your profile picture (avatar) at the top right
  • Edit Communities Profile
  • Privacy
  • Confirm that your Name is only visible to "Yourself"
  • You can also sign out and type in your profile URL to see that you're only able to view your screen name.


How do I edit or delete something I posted here?

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  • To delete a new topic, click Delete in the Actions panel to the right of the message.
  • To edit a new topic, click Edit in the Actions panel to the right of the message.
  • Once someone else has replied directly to your message the Edit/Delete option goes away. In the situation that you still need to delete your thread, please post in Forum Comments so a moderator can delete.

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  • To edit/delete a reply to a topic, click on the Actions dropdown at the bottom of the reply.



Someone answered my question. How do I mark it as correct?

  • Click the bright green correct answer button on their reply.
  • Only you (the original poster of the thread) and a moderator can perform this action.

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How do I change my Name for Adobe Community Forums (screen name)?

  • Your screen name is part of your Adobe ID. You can change it at Adobe ID


How do I change my password?

  • The Adobe Forums do not store your password. Your password is part of your Adobe ID from Adobe.com. To change your password you have to edit your account at Adobe ID


How do I turn off email notifications?

  • Click on the arrow next to your avatar.
  • Under Personal, Click on Preferences
  • Turn On/Off each individual set of notifications


What information should I provide when asking a question?

  • What operating system are you using? This should include specific minor version numbers, like "Mac OSX v10.6.8"---not just "Mac".
  • If you are getting error message(s), what is the full text of the error message(s)?
  • What exact version of the Adobe product are you using?  This should include the specific version number.
    • You can find this in the product menu (Photoshop > About Photoshop [MAC] or Help > About Photoshop [Win])
    • For example, "Photoshop 2015.1.1"
    • MAC:Screen Shot 2016-04-14 at 11.32.14 AM.png
    • WIN: image002.png
  • What were you doing when the problem occurred? What is the exact sequence of steps that you are taking?
  • Has this ever worked before? If this worked before by doesn't work now, what has changed on your computer in the intervening time?


How can I jump to the last message in a long thread?

  • Click on the thread you would like to view.
  • Click the Latest Reply link at the top left.


How do I attach a screenshot?

Windows Vista and later

  • Use the Windows Snipping Tool to take a snapshot of the area you want to capture.  See Use Snipping Tool for instructions.  Save the result as a JPG or PNG file.


Windows XP and earlier

  • Use the Print Screen button on the keyboard to capture the entire desktop, then use a imaging program like MS Paint, Paint.NET, or similar to paste the captured image.  Some programs can crop the area you want to show, so you do not need to post the entire desktop.  Save the result as a JPG or PNG file.
  • More detailed instructions for Windows XP
  • Alternate screenshot tool: Jing (free download)


Mac OS

  • Shift + Command + 4
  • Drag the cursor to where you'd like to start one of the corners of the screenshot and press down and drag the mouse over the area you'd like to capture.
  • Release your mouse
  • The screenshot will be saved on your Desktop


  • To post the saved screenshot you need to be in the forum editor; either as a new topic, or as a reply in a topic requesting a screenshot.


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  • Click on the photo icon in the editor menu to upload the saved image to the current cursor position.






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