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Creating a template page for box adverts..simple I presume when you know how!

New Here ,
Jan 03, 2018 Jan 03, 2018

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I would really appreciate any help here.

I sell recruitment advertising.  I am given the advert by the client and I will enlarge it to either 12cm x 6.3cm box advert or 1/4 page, 1/2 page or full page.  I want to create a pdf page in either of these formats and a mixture of all.  How do I do this

Below is an example of what I need to do:


Once I have done this I will be wanting my clients to view it like a flip magazine or e edition style






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Jan 03, 2018 Jan 03, 2018

Once I have done this I will be wanting my clients to view it like a flip magazine or e edition style

Of the >10 million people who have a Creative Cloud subscription, I understand that more than half of the use the $10 a month Photography plan.  Adding InDesign would triple your monthly outlay, but in this case I think it would be worth it.  You could do the outlay in Photoshop, but nowhere near as easily as with InDesign, but you absolutely couldn't do the same sort of Interactive PDF in Photos




Guide ,
Jan 03, 2018 Jan 03, 2018

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I would it do in InDesign. It's a typical task for this program.

In InDesign you can create master pages with frames for your different advert layouts. You would assign this or that master page to any number of pages and fill in the adverts gradually here and there.

You would Photoshop  use for editing the photos only.

In Photoshop you could work with magnetic rulers. You would have one file per layout type. Or you can use artboards if you want all the adverts in one single file. Photoshop hasn't a viable master page / template concept.






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Community Expert ,
Jan 03, 2018 Jan 03, 2018

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Once I have done this I will be wanting my clients to view it like a flip magazine or e edition style

Of the >10 million people who have a Creative Cloud subscription, I understand that more than half of the use the $10 a month Photography plan.  Adding InDesign would triple your monthly outlay, but in this case I think it would be worth it.  You could do the outlay in Photoshop, but nowhere near as easily as with InDesign, but you absolutely couldn't do the same sort of Interactive PDF in Photoshop, that InDesign can produce.   You can have live links that you can click on to open a webpage, or take you to a location in the same document.  This page will tell you more.

Create an interactive PDF |





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