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RAM preview stops working if audio hardware changes PP and AE, any ideas?

New Here ,
Jan 08, 2018 Jan 08, 2018

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So here's a weird one that I can't find anything on. In both PP and AE if the my headphones disconnect then the RAM preview stops playing. It renders (green bar fills and memory is being used) but doesn't play and jumps forward a single frame in the program window when you pause it. My headphones have a really cruddy port that disconnects and reconnects with small  movement, so it happens a lot, and I know it's not the headphones because it occurs no matter what device I use.

I hope this isn't normal behavior, if it is let's fix it, I can see studios switching their gear around mid project to play to the room vs headphones and having it crash from this issue. It's been an issue for me since late 2016 I believe, which is when I began using Adobe. I have no idea what info to post that could help, I have the latest cc, although currently finishing a project in ae 17.2, but it still happens in 2018 version. Let me know what I can do to help!






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Jan 09, 2018 Jan 09, 2018

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Where I work at my full time job, the sound goes through a mixing board and there's one button to switch it from outputting to the headphones vs. the room speakers. Highly recommend to studio folks instead of fumbling with cords underneath a desk!

Now, in my office at home where I do freelance work, I do just pull the headphones out. I haven't had it crash when I've done it. What soundcard do you have? Also, what OS?





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New Here ,
Jan 09, 2018 Jan 09, 2018

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Yea that would make more sense, I'm a doc guy so I mostly work in home offices. Anywayyy - I've got the latest windows 10 version and under device manager -> Sound, video and game controllers I have NVIDIA High Definition Audio and Realtek High Definition Audio... not sure if that's the audio card but google says that's where it's listed.

It's such a weird interaction I honestly have no idea. I can change drives around without this happening if that's useful. Oh and it doesn't happen every single time, but I've determined when it does happen the headphone thing is the cause.





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