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Adding elements of type document to a list


Level 8
Level 8
Hi all,<br /><br />I have encountered an interesting snag:<br /><br />I have a list with subtype document into which I add some documents during my process. <br />In the end of the process I pass the list to a process that takes care of assembling all these documents into one pdf-package (see an earlier post).<br /><br />However if the original process only add one document to the list (depending on the routes taken) I get an coersion error like this one:<br /><br />Internal error.: ALC-DSC-000-000: com.adobe.idp.dsc.DSCRuntimeException: Internal error.<br /> at com.adobe.idp.workflow.dsc.invoker.WorkflowDSCInvoker.transientInvoke(WorkflowDSCInvoker.java:367)<br /> at com.adobe.idp.workflow.dsc.invoker.WorkflowDSCInvoker.invoke(WorkflowDSCInvoker.java:157)<br /> at com.adobe.idp.dsc.interceptor.impl.InvocationInterceptor.intercept(InvocationInterceptor.java:140)<br /><br />...<br /><br />Caused by: ALC-DSC-119-000: com.adobe.idp.dsc.util.InvalidCoercionException: Cannot coerce object: <document state="passive" senderVersion="3" persistent="false" senderPersistent="false" passivated="false" senderPassivated="false" deserialized="true" senderHostId="" callbackId="0" senderCallbackId="0" callbackRef="null" isLocalizable="true" isTransactionBound="false" defaultDisposalTimeout="6000000" disposalTimeout="6000000" maxInlineSize="65536" defaultMaxInlineSize="65536" inlineSize="0" contentType="application/pdf" length="201512"><cacheId/><localBackendId/><globalBackendId/><senderLocalBackendId/><senderGlobalBackendId><DocumentFileID fileName="C:\LiveCycle_Data\GDS\docm1224852936986\8055e8e4802fc4585b1cd038c915c153"/><senderGlobalBackendId/><inline/><senderPullServantJndiName>adobe/idp/DocumentPullServant/adobejb_server1</senderPullServantJndiName><attributes ADOBE_SHAREDPDFDOCUMENT_NEEDS_COPY="true" wsfilename="C:\Documents and Settings\kc.DAFOLO\Skrivebord\Angelina.pdf" basename="Angelina.pdf" file="C:\Documents and Settings\kc.DAFOLO\Skrivebord\Angelina.pdf" ADOBE_SAVE_MODE_ATTRIBUTE="NO_CHANGE" ADOBE_SAVE_MODE_FORCE_COMPRESSED_OBJECTS_ATTRIBUTE="false" ADOBE_SAVE_MODE_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE="false"/></document> of type: com.adobe.idp.Document to type: interface java.util.List<br /> at com.adobe.workflow.engine.PEUtil.invokeAction(PEUtil.java:837)<br /> at com.adobe.idp.workflow.dsc.invoker.WorkflowDSCInvoker.transientInvoke(WorkflowDSCInvoker.java:346)<br /><br />Anyone with any good ideas?<br /><br />Thanks in advance<br /><br />Sincerely<br />Kim
8 Replies


Level 8
Level 8
Hi again,

Nobody who knows anything on this issue?

To be honest I am puzzled by this myself and I can't see what I can do to fix it. I get the error everytime I have only one element in my list.




Former Community Member
If you are asking assembler to add all items in a list into a single PDF then only passing one document to Assemble is causing the error. There must be at least 2 docs to do the assembly. The coercion error is coming from the internals of Assembler when trying to read a second doc in your list. You shoudl test the length of the list and if < 2 then bypass the assembly step.


Level 8
Level 8
Hi again Paul,<br /><br />Thanks for answering my post.<br /><br />Your explanation sounds reasonable. I will try your suggestion. However in the documentation it states the following under "Assembling multiple documents":<br /><br /> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><br /><br /> <DDX xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/DDX/1.0/"><br /><br /> <PDF result="GeneratedDocument.pdf"><br /><br /> <PDF source="cover"/><br /><br /> <PackageFiles><br /><br /> <PDF source="attachments"/><br /><br /> </PackageFiles><br /><br /> </PDF><br /><br /> </DDX><br /><br />The DDX document provides the following information about the documents to assemble:<br /><br /> * The <PDF source="cover"/> element defines the cover key word, which is associated with the PDF document to use as the cover page.<br /> * The <PDF source="attachments"/> element defines the attachments key word, which is associated with several PDF documents to assemble.<br /><br />The map value must use cover and attachments as keys. The values for the keys must be list data items that hold document values:<br /><br /> * Multiple PDF documents are associated with the attachments key word; therefore, the value for the attachments key needs to be a listdata item that holds the document values.<br /> * Data items in a map must be of the same type; therefore, although only one document is used as a cover page, the value for the cover key needs to be a list data item.<br /><br />Especially the last part made me believe that it was OK to use a list with only one element.<br /><br />Can you explain how I should understand the above?<br /><br />Thanks in advance<br /><br />Sincerely<br />Kim


Former Community Member
Each PDF source tag represents another PDF that is beinng assembled. So the PDF source="cover" means that it is reading in a PDF file that represents the cover of the doc.


Level 8
Level 8
Hi again Paul,<br /><br />My DDX file look very similar to the one above, in fact it looks like this:<br /><br /><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><br /> <DDX xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/DDX/1.0/"><br /> <PDF result="GeneratedDocument"><br /> <PackageFiles><br /> <PDF source="attachments"/><br /> </PackageFiles><br /> </PDF><br /> </DDX> <br /><br />so if I change my DDX file to the following would I illiminate the error?<br /><br /><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><br /> <DDX xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/DDX/1.0/"><br /> <PDF result="GeneratedDocument"><br /> <PDF source="attachments"/><br /> </PDF><br /> </DDX><br /><br />in both the above ddx files attachments is a map containing one or more lists.<br /><br />Sincerely<br />Kim


Former Community Member
I do not think so .....Assembler will only accept a list. Also you really haven't solved the root problem of only sending one doc for assembling.


Level 8
Level 8
No, you are right there. So I have to make a check to see if the length of the collection is above one. In this case I must not send the document to assembler but do something else.

Thanks for your help - I really appreciate it.




Former Community Member
I am having a similar problem where I am passing a map of documents to a sub process of a workflow. If there is more than one item in the map, it works fine. If there is only one, it seems that just the single document is passed and I get InvalidCoercionException.