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Flash Builder & StageVideo

Community Beginner ,
Apr 04, 2014 Apr 04, 2014

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Hello everyone,

A major concern arises for me, and after several days of testing I can not find a solution.

I am currently developing a mobile application on Android to play a video locally.

For this I use the Adobe SimpleStageVideo class available on the website : http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flashplayer/articles/stage_video.html

At the launch all goes well , however when I switch to another application in full reading and then I go back to my video .

That passes over other elements of my interface (ie the navigation menu ) and especially it grows.

I tried to do a resize an event type activate ( to intercept the return on applicaiton )

I also tried to remove the container, and then reinject the video in my interface ( although this is costly in resources ... ) .

It did not work .

I think during my event "activate " the UIComponent has not yet been fully rebuilt, and thereby resize does not work on a good screen size used (since it does not blow conscidère menus ) .

To test my theory , I tested passing in debug mode. By running my code slower, the video goes back to the right size ...

So I tried to put timers, but again it was a futile attempt .

How is it possible when returning to my application that my video remains the right size , and not overlooking the rest of the menus?

Here follows the code in question :

// La Vue Permettant de Visionner la Vidéo

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<s:View xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


                    xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" title="viewVideo" activate="view1_activateHandler(event)" creationComplete="view1_creationCompleteHandler(event)" backgroundAlpha="0" actionBarVisible="false" tabBarVisible="false">



                              import flash.events.MouseEvent;

                              import mx.core.UIComponent;

                              import mx.events.FlexEvent;

                              import valueObjects.SimpleStageVideo;


                              private var conn:SQLConnection;

                              private var createStmt:SQLStatement;

                              public var dbFile:File;


                              public var fichierCharge:File;


                              public var numeroBouton:int = 0;

                              private var test:SimpleStageVideo = new SimpleStageVideo();

                              private var container:UIComponent = new UIComponent();


                              protected function view1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void


                                        var chemin:File = new File(data.url);




                                        //container.stage = this.stage;

                                        container.height = stage.height;

                                        container.width = stage.width;

                                        container.addChildAt(test, 0);

                                        addElementAt(container, 0);

                                        trace(""+container.width+" : "+container.height+" : "+container.x+" : "+container.y);




                              protected function view1_activateHandler(event:Event):void





                              private function resizeF(event:Event):void







          <s:HGroup  id="barremenu" gap="0" horizontalAlign="left" styleName="header_style" verticalAlign="top" width="100%" contentBackgroundColor="#FFFFFF" contentBackgroundAlpha="1" paddingBottom="50" >

                    <s:Image scaleMode="letterbox" smooth="true" smoothingQuality="high"

                                         source="assets/header_droi.jpg" />


                    <components:Boutton_Retour click="boutton_retour1_clickHandler(event)" enabled="true" height="100%" contentBackgroundColor="#FFFFFF" contentBackgroundAlpha="1"/>

                    <components:Boutton_Accueil_Retour click="boutton_accueil1_clickHandler(event)" enabled="true" height="100%" contentBackgroundColor="#FFFFFF" contentBackgroundAlpha="1" />

                    <s:Image scaleMode="stretch" smooth="true" smoothingQuality="high"

                                         source="assets/header_milieu.jpg" fillMode="repeat" width="60%" height="99%" />

                    <s:Image  scaleMode="stretch" smooth="true" smoothingQuality="high"

                                          source="assets/ipad.jpg" />



// Ma Classe SimpleStageVideo

package valueObjects


          import flash.display.Loader;

          import flash.display.Shape;

          import flash.display.Sprite;

          import flash.display.Stage;

          import flash.display.StageAlign;

          import flash.display.StageScaleMode;

          import flash.events.Event;

          import flash.events.MouseEvent;

          import flash.events.NetStatusEvent;

          import flash.events.StageVideoAvailabilityEvent;

          import flash.events.StageVideoEvent;

          import flash.events.VideoEvent;

          import flash.filesystem.File;

          import flash.geom.Rectangle;

          import flash.media.StageVideo;

          import flash.media.StageVideoAvailability;

          import flash.media.Video;

          import flash.net.NetConnection;

          import flash.net.NetStream;

          import flash.net.URLRequest;

          import flash.text.TextField;

          import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;


          import mx.core.UIComponent;


          import spark.components.Image;

          import spark.components.NavigatorContent;



          [SWF(frameRate="1", backgroundColor="#000000")]

          public class SimpleStageVideo extends Sprite


                    public var chemin:File;

                    private var FILE_NAME:String = "";

                    private static const INTERVAL:Number = 500;

                    private static const BORDER:Number = 20;


                    private var legend:TextField = new TextField();

                    private var sv:StageVideo;

                    private var nc:NetConnection;

                    private var ns:NetStream;

                    private var rc:Rectangle;

                    private var video:Video;

                    private var thumb:Shape;

                    private var interactiveThumb:Sprite;

                    private var totalTime:Number;


                    private var videoWidth:int;

                    private var videoHeight:int;

                    private var outputBuffer:String = new String();

                    private var rect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, BORDER);

                    private var videoRect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);

                    private var gotStage:Boolean;

                    private var stageVideoInUse:Boolean;

                    private var classicVideoInUse:Boolean;

                    private var accelerationType:String;

                    private var infos:String = new String();

                    private var available:Boolean;

                    private var inited:Boolean;

                    private var played:Boolean;

                    private var container:Sprite;

                    private var displayButtonPause:Boolean;

                    public var imagePause:UIComponent;

                    public var pLoad:Loader;

                    private var testResize:Boolean = false;

                    private var widthStage:int = 0;








                    public function SimpleStageVideo()


                              // Make sure the app is visible and stage available

                              addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAddedToStage);

                              //addEventListener(Event.ACTIVATE, onActivate);



                    private function onActivate(event:Event):void



                              video.addEventListener(Event.RENDER, functionResize);




                    private function functionResize(event:Event):void








                     * @param event



                    private function onAddedToStage(event:Event):void




                              // Scaling

                              stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;

                              stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;

                              widthStage = stage.width;



                              // Thumb seek Bar

                              thumb = new Shape();


                              interactiveThumb = new Sprite();




                              // Connections

                              nc = new NetConnection();


                              ns = new NetStream(nc);

                              ns.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, onNetStatus);

                              ns.client = this;


                              // Screen

                              video = new Video();

                              video.smoothing = true;


                              // Video Events

                              // the StageVideoEvent.STAGE_VIDEO_STATE informs you if StageVideo is available or not

                              stage.addEventListener(StageVideoAvailabilityEvent.STAGE_VIDEO_AVAILABILITY, onStageVideoState);

                              // in case of fallback to Video, we listen to the VideoEvent.RENDER_STATE event to handle resize properly and know about the acceleration mode running

                              video.addEventListener(VideoEvent.RENDER_STATE, videoStateChange);


                              // Input Events

                              stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, onKeyDown);

                              stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE,  onResize);

                              stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);






                     * @param event



                    private function onNetStatus(event:NetStatusEvent):void


                              if ( event.info == "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound" )

                                        legend.text = "Video file passed, not available!";



                    public function setData(chem:File):void


                              chemin = chem;

                              FILE_NAME = chemin.url;





                     * @param event



                    private function onFrame(event:Event):void



                              var ratio:Number = (ns.time / totalTime) * (widthStage+470);

                              rect.width = ratio;



                              thumb.graphics.drawRect(rect.x, rect.y+350, rect.width+120, rect.height);

                              //thumb.graphics.drawRect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);

                              //testResize = true;






                     * @param event



                    private function onClick(event:MouseEvent):void




                              if ( event.stageY >= interactiveThumb.y - BORDER && event.stageX <= stage.stageWidth - BORDER )


                                        var seekTime:Number = (stage.mouseX - BORDER) * ( totalTime / (stage.stageWidth - (BORDER << 1) ) );

                                        ns.seek( seekTime );






                     * @param event



                    private function onKeyDown(event:MouseEvent):void




                              // Affichage du bouton d'affichage de la mise en pause de la video

                              if(displayButtonPause == false)


                                        pLoad = new Loader();

                                        pLoad.load(new URLRequest("assets/pause.png"));

                                        //imagePause = new UIComponent();


                                        //imagePause.x = 200;

                                        //imagePause.y = 200;

                                        pLoad.x = (stage.width - (stage.width/3.5));

                                        pLoad.y = (stage.height - (stage.height/3.5));


                                        displayButtonPause = true;

                                        pLoad.visible = true;

                              } else


                                        displayButtonPause = false;

                                        pLoad.visible = false;






                     * Permet l'arret de la video avant la supression de la vue


                    public function arretVideo():void






                              /*var nce:NetConnection = new NetConnection();


                              sv.attachNetStream(new NetStream(nce));






                     * @param width

                     * @param height

                     * @return



                    private function getVideoRect(width:uint, height:uint):Rectangle


                              trace("Width" + width);

                              trace("Stage Width" + stage.stageWidth);

                              trace("Height" + height);

                              trace("Stage height" + stage.stageHeight);




                              var videoWidth:uint = width;

                              var videoHeight:uint = height;

                              var scaling:Number = Math.min ( stage.stageWidth / videoWidth, stage.stageHeight / videoHeight );


                              videoWidth *= scaling, videoHeight *= scaling;


                              var posX:uint = stage.stageWidth - videoWidth >> 1;

                              var posY:uint = stage.stageHeight - videoHeight >> 1;


                              videoRect.x = posX;

                              videoRect.y = posY;

                              videoRect.width = videoWidth;

                              videoRect.height = videoHeight;


                              trace("Objet video width" + video.width);

                              trace("Objet video height" + video.height);


                              trace("Objet video rect width" + videoRect.width);

                              trace("Objet video rect height" + videoRect.height);


                              return videoRect;







                    public function resize ():void


                              if ( stageVideoInUse )


                                        // Get the Viewport viewable rectangle

                                        rc = getVideoRect(sv.videoWidth, sv.videoHeight);

                                        // set the StageVideo size using the viewPort property

                                        sv.viewPort = rc;

                              } else



                                        // Get the Viewport viewable rectangle

                                        rc = getVideoRect(video.videoWidth, video.videoHeight);

                                        // Set the Video object size

                                        video.width = rc.width;

                                        video.height = rc.height;

                                        video.x = rc.x, video.y = rc.y;

                                        //trace(""+rc.width+" : "+rc.height+" : "+rc.x+" : "+rc.y);

                                        testResize = true;



                              interactiveThumb.x = BORDER, interactiveThumb.y = stage.stageHeight - (BORDER << 1);

                              legend.text = infos;






                     * @param evt



                    public function onMetaData ( evt:Object ):void


                              totalTime = evt.duration;

                              stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame);





                     * @param event



                    private function onStageVideoState(event:StageVideoAvailabilityEvent):void


                              // Detect if StageVideo is available and decide what to do in toggleStageVideo

                              toggleStageVideo(available = inited = (event.availability == StageVideoAvailability.AVAILABLE));





                     * @param on



                    private function toggleStageVideo(on:Boolean):void


                              infos = "StageVideo Running (Direct path) : " + on + "\n";


                              // If we choose StageVideo we attach the NetStream to StageVideo

                              if (on)


                                        stageVideoInUse = true;

                                        if ( sv == null )


                                                  sv = stage.stageVideos[0];

                                                  sv.addEventListener(StageVideoEvent.RENDER_STATE, stageVideoStateChange);



                                        if (classicVideoInUse)


                                                  // If we use StageVideo, we just remove from the display list the Video object to avoid covering the StageVideo object (always in the background)

                                                  stage.removeChild ( video );

                                                  classicVideoInUse = false;


                              } else


                                        // Otherwise we attach it to a Video object

                                        if (stageVideoInUse)

                                                  stageVideoInUse = false;

                                        classicVideoInUse = true;


                                        stage.addChildAt(video, 0);



                              if ( !played )


                                        played = true;







                     * @param event



                    private function onResize(event:Event):void







                     * @param event



                    private function stageVideoStateChange(event:StageVideoEvent):void


                              infos += "StageVideoEvent received\n";

                              infos += "Render State : " + event.status + "\n";









                     * @param event



                    private function videoStateChange(event:VideoEvent):void


                              infos += "VideoEvent received\n";

                              infos += "Render State : " + event.status + "\n";













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Community Beginner ,
Apr 07, 2014 Apr 07, 2014

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Anyone has an idea ?





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New Here ,
Apr 15, 2014 Apr 15, 2014

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Don't know if this is an entirely valid answer as I write pure AS3 (no Flex).

I remember having problems about a year ago with the SimpleStageVideo when doing a video app that would work for both Apple and Android.

I couldn't get it to work as I wanted so I skipped SimpleStageVideo alltogether.

I ended up using this script to shift between StageVideo (iOS) and the usual videoPlayer (Android).

The stageVideo checks if a menu is open (on the left side) and draws the rect according to that.

The normal video gets it's size from the videoSprite which scales depending on the menu visibility.

Later when StageVideo became available for Android it still worked.

Hopefully it can help you get closer to a solution.

private function load_video():void{   

    if ( stage.stageVideos.length >= 1 ) {   

        stageVideo = stage.stageVideos[0];

        try {

            if(S.application.menu.toggleOpen == true){

                stageVideo.viewPort = new Rectangle(S.device.scaledVideo.x, S.device.scaledVideo.y, S.device.scaledVideo.width, S.device.scaledVideo.height);

            } else if(S.application.menu.toggleOpen == false){

                stageVideo.viewPort = new Rectangle(S.device.video.x, S.device.video.y, S.device.video.width, S.device.video.height);


        } catch(e:Error) {}

        stageVideo.addEventListener(StageVideoEvent.RENDER_STATE, renderState);


    } else {

        try {

            video = new Video(S.device.video.width, S.device.video.height);

            video.smoothing = true

            video.name = "video"

            video.x = S.device.video.x

            video.y = S.device.video.y



        } catch(e:Error) {}



    netStream.play(S.path.video + S.application.xmlObjectArray[currentSlideIndex].video);

    videoStarted = true   






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