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Flash 9: Failed to Install tn_19166 - can't get it to install

New Here ,
Jan 21, 2008 Jan 21, 2008

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I've tried to install Flash 9 a number of times but continue to get the same error message:

Failed to install. For Troubleshooting please see: http://www.adobe.com/go/tn_19166

See my system info below. I also tried everything under tn_19166 and the info in the forum posted at the bottom of this post.

Any suggestions on how to resolve the issue?



OS Name Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Version 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 Build 2600
System Model Dell Inspiron 8500
Processor x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 9 GenuineIntel ~2193 Mhz
BIOS Version/Date Dell Computer Corporation A06, 7/12/2004
SMBIOS Version 2.3
Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "5.1.2600.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)"
Total Physical Memory 512.00 MB
Available Physical Memory 143.99 MB
Total Virtual Memory 2.00 GB
Available Virtual Memory 1.96 GB

01/15/2008 11:55:34 PM
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Download the uninstaller for Flash Player from "How to uninstall the Adobe Flash Player plug-in and ActiveX control"


Quit ALL running applications, including all Internet Explorer or other browser windows, AOL Instant Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, MSN Messenger, or other Messengers. Check the Windows system tray carefully to make certain no applications which might possibly use Flash Player are still in memory.

Install the new Flash Player from here:


Check to see if Flash Player is installed:


Darren J. McNally,
Technical Support Engineer, Adobe
Flash/Flash Player Support







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New Here ,
Jan 22, 2008 Jan 22, 2008

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I would like to hear a response because I am having a similar problem.





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New Here ,
Jan 22, 2008 Jan 22, 2008

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i HAD Same problem ....... wat i did was go to contoll panel / click ADD or remove programs
/ then i delte all types of flash player / it wont install if ur like say , using it or sumtin / then i installed it and it work

... i have an xp compaq





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New Here ,
Jan 22, 2008 Jan 22, 2008

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Yep, already did all dat. Didn't wrk.





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New Here ,
Jan 22, 2008 Jan 22, 2008

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I too, would like to hear a response as I did the suggested uninstall procedure the same as above. I am on a Windows Me platform and the install process just sits. I get the box for the video to play in but no video,so I assume the install is not successful.





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New Here ,
Jan 23, 2008 Jan 23, 2008

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I am having the same problem! It is driving me nuts. I have done everything this website has told me to. my mother-in-law had the same problem and can't remember how she fixed it, so if someone could figure out this mystery it would be MUCH APPRECIATED!!





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New Here ,
Jan 26, 2008 Jan 26, 2008

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Anyone have any suggestions on how to resolve?





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New Here ,
Feb 15, 2008 Feb 15, 2008

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Having the same problem.

Using XP with Internet Explorer 7. My firefox works fine, but I need to get Flash Player working in my IE7.





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New Here ,
Feb 15, 2008 Feb 15, 2008

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Alright everyone, I have solved this issue. I hope it works for all of you as well.

You must have administrator privileges to successfully complete these instructions.

1. Follow the instructions to download the SubInACL tool from the Microsoft Download Center. Click Here

2. Install SubInACL.

3. Download the reset_minimal.zip file. Click Here

4. Extract the reset_minimal.cmd file to C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\.

5. *Important: Be sure that both the subinacl.exe and reset_minimal.cmd files are in the same location here: C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\.

6. Double-click reset_minimal.cmd.

7. This will open a command window and execute the SubInACL tool.

8. Do not use the machine while SubInACL is running.

9. When it is finished you will see "Press any key to continue".

10. Install the Flash Player from www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer.





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Explorer ,
Feb 17, 2008 Feb 17, 2008

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Originally posted by: dr00t
Alright everyone, I have solved this issue. I hope it works for all of you as well.

You must have administrator privileges to successfully complete these instructions.

1. Follow the instructions to download the SubInACL tool from the Microsoft Download Center. Click Here

2. Install SubInACL.

3. Download the reset_minimal.zip file. Click Here

4. Extract the reset_minimal.cmd file to C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\.

5. *Important: Be sure that both the subinacl.exe and reset_minimal.cmd files are in the same location here: C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\.

6. Double-click reset_minimal.cmd.

7. This will open a command window and execute the SubInACL tool.

8. Do not use the machine while SubInACL is running.

9. When it is finished you will see "Press any key to continue".

10. Install the Flash Player from www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer.

Ok i'd tryed this way and it doesnt work for me ,after that I'd downloaded the uninstall_flash_player.exe from adobe
and make the uninstalling ,after this I'd did your 10 steps and now it is working





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New Here ,
Feb 18, 2008 Feb 18, 2008

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It worked for me. I first uninstalled Flash and then went through the steps out-lined and it all works fine for me.







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Feb 18, 2008 Feb 18, 2008

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If you’re having difficulties with the ActiveX installer on IE these steps will typically resolve the issue:

Try this first: Instructions for uninstalling and reinstalling the Flash Player:

1. First download the uninstaller to your desktop from here http://www.adobe.com/go/tn_14157
2. Before running this uninstaller be sure to read the instruction and close all running programs.
3. Open the following folder C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash
4. Run the uninstaller
5. What files are left in this folder? C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash
6. If there are files left, delete the Flash folder.
7. Install the Flash Player from here: ] http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer
8. Test the Flash Player here: http://www.adobe.com/products/flash/about/

Also check your Internet Explorer ActiveX settings

Browser security settings should be chosen by you or by your system administrator. For single users who do not have an administrator, the Medium: Default Level allows you to view Flash content. For any Custom Level, ensure that both the "Download Signed ActiveX controls" and "Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins" options are set to "Prompt".

To change your security level:

1. Open Internet Explorer.
2. Choose Tools > Internet Options.
3. Select the Security tab.
4. Select Custom Level.
5. Find the section "ActiveX controls and plug-ins".
6. Set ' Download Signed ActiveX Controls' to Prompt.
7. Set 'Run ActiveX Controls And Plug-ins' to Prompt.

If you are having trouble, make sure that your Internet Explorer security level is not set to High or to a custom level that does not allow viewing of ActiveX controls.

Finally, it may be that you have incorrect permissions in the system registry:

To fix these Windows system registry permission conflicts you can use Microsoft’s SubInACL tool.

Please download Microsoft’s tool to your desktop.


1. Login as the User that has the incorrect permissions in the system registry
2. unzip the “reset_minimal.cmd” and the “subinacl.exe” to the desktop

*** Make sure both files are on the desktop

3. Close out all applications
4. Run the “reset.cmd” file
5. It will open a DOS like terminal and start running through registry keys
6. When it is finished it will say “press any key to continue”
7. At this point you can download the latest Flash Player from here:






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New Here ,
Feb 19, 2008 Feb 19, 2008

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Darren at Adobe,

Thanks for getting involved on this issue. My Flash has not worked in about two months.

I have followed all of your suggestions but still no luck. After performing all the fix steps and when attempting to install from the adobe.com/go/getflashplayer page I get a tn_19166 error message again. Also, when I ran the reset_minimal.cmd, which runs subinacl.exe in the registry, and I look back at what it did in the registry, the only message displayed over and over is (something like) "did not recogize subinacl as an internal or external command." Does this mean it is not fixing the registry problem?

Please let me know if you have any other suggestions to fix. Thanks.





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Feb 21, 2008 Feb 21, 2008

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I found a solution that may help with the Flash Player installation. I have Windows XP Home and Internet Explorer 7. I did EVERYTHING tech support and other users suggested, but had no luck on Internet Explorer. I followed the suggestion to download Firefox, and then I was able to download and use Flash Player, but it would only work with Firefox. It would not work with Explorer.
Coincidentally, in trying to open another unrelated application, I was told that Windows could not open it and I chose the option to use the Internet to search for a way to open it. It prompted to download additional software, and one of the options was a free version of a registry compression tool called "Stuffit". After downloading and installing Stuffit, I once again followed Adobe tech support's original instructions for Flash Player.
1. Make sure you are in Administrator Mode.
2. Make sure your Active X settings are correct.
3. Make sure your popup blocker is turned off.
4. Use the Flash Player uninstaller, making sure all applications are closed, and all users are logged off.
5. Then download Flash Player 9 using a standalone installer from the following:
http://www.adobe.com/go/tn_14266 (Archived Adobe Flash Players available for testing purposes).
6. After downloading the installer, make sure all other applications and windows are closed, then open the “9r115”
folder and run the “flashplayer9r115_winax.exe” file.
7. Afterwards, verify if the Flash Player installed successfully by going to the version test page:

This finally worked for me after NOTHING else did. I hope it helps you.





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Feb 21, 2008 Feb 21, 2008

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New Here ,
Jun 02, 2008 Jun 02, 2008

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Hey guys, I am having the same problems installing Flash 9 on IE7 with WinXP Pro SP3. I have run the uninstaller (checked the log and made sure everything was removed", run subinacl and the reset_minimal.cmd file, checked my active-x and IE security settings, have an administrator account, disabled all popup blockers and anti-virus programs (basically all my background programs are exited), but I still can't install the Flash Player 9 Active-X for Internet Explorer. I also can't install it from the Flash page which downloads it directly to IE7. Here is a copy of my install.log file, I hope this helps someone.





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Jun 03, 2008 Jun 03, 2008

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Originally posted by: wongnog
Hey guys, I am having the same problems installing Flash 9 on IE7 with WinXP Pro SP3. I have run the uninstaller (checked the log and made sure everything was removed", run subinacl and the reset_minimal.cmd file, checked my active-x and IE security settings, have an administrator account, disabled all popup blockers and anti-virus programs (basically all my background programs are exited), but I still can't install the Flash Player 9 Active-X for Internet Explorer. I also can't install it from the Flash page which downloads it directly to IE7. Here is a copy of my install.log file, I hope this helps someone.

Hi wongnog,

Please open a FREE Technical Support case from here:


Reply with the case number and I will help you resolve this issue.





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Jun 03, 2008 Jun 03, 2008

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Originally posted by: ZooeyC
Darren at Adobe,

Thanks for getting involved on this issue. My Flash has not worked in about two months.

I have followed all of your suggestions but still no luck. After performing all the fix steps and when attempting to install from the adobe.com/go/getflashplayer page I get a tn_19166 error message again. Also, when I ran the reset_minimal.cmd, which runs subinacl.exe in the registry, and I look back at what it did in the registry, the only message displayed over and over is (something like) "did not recogize subinacl as an internal or external command." Does this mean it is not fixing the registry problem?

Please let me know if you have any other suggestions to fix. Thanks.

Hi ZooeyC,

If you receive the following message when running Microsoft’s SubInACL tool, "did not recognize SubInACL as an internal or external command", it may be that both the reset_min.cmd file and SubInACL are NOT located in the same directory (for example you’re desktop). Please try the following:

1. Please download Microsoft’s tool to your desktop.


2. unzip the “reset_minimal.cmd” and the “subinacl.exe” to the desktop

*** Make sure both files are on the desktop

3. Close out all applications
4. Run the “reset.cmd” file
5. It will open a DOS like terminal and start running through registry keys
6. When it is finished it will say “press any key to continue”
7. At this point you can download the latest Flash Player from here:


If the ActiveX install still fails after these instructions please open a FREE Technical Support case from here:


Reply with the case number and I will help you resolve this issue.





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New Here ,
Jun 23, 2008 Jun 23, 2008

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Originally posted by: Darren McNally - Adobe
If you’re having difficulties with the ActiveX installer on IE these steps will typically resolve the issue:

Try this first: Instructions for uninstalling and reinstalling the Flash Player:

1. First download the uninstaller to your desktop from here http://www.adobe.com/go/tn_14157
2. Before running this uninstaller be sure to read the instruction and close all running programs.
3. Open the following folder C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash
4. Run the uninstaller
5. What files are left in this folder? C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash
6. If there are files left, delete the Flash folder.
7. Install the Flash Player from here: ] http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer
8. Test the Flash Player here: http://www.adobe.com/products/flash/about/

Also check your Internet Explorer ActiveX settings

Browser security settings should be chosen by you or by your system administrator. For single users who do not have an administrator, the Medium: Default Level allows you to view Flash content. For any Custom Level, ensure that both the "Download Signed ActiveX controls" and "Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins" options are set to "Prompt".

To change your security level:

1. Open Internet Explorer.
2. Choose Tools > Internet Options.
3. Select the Security tab.
4. Select Custom Level.
5. Find the section "ActiveX controls and plug-ins".
6. Set ' Download Signed ActiveX Controls' to Prompt.
7. Set 'Run ActiveX Controls And Plug-ins' to Prompt.

If you are having trouble, make sure that your Internet Explorer security level is not set to High or to a custom level that does not allow viewing of ActiveX controls.

Finally, it may be that you have incorrect permissions in the system registry:

To fix these Windows system registry permission conflicts you can use Microsoft’s SubInACL tool.

Please download Microsoft’s tool to your desktop.


1. Login as the User that has the incorrect permissions in the system registry
2. unzip the “reset_minimal.cmd” and the “subinacl.exe” to the desktop

*** Make sure both files are on the desktop

3. Close out all applications
4. Run the “reset.cmd” file
5. It will open a DOS like terminal and start running through registry keys
6. When it is finished it will say “press any key to continue”
7. At this point you can download the latest Flash Player from here:


Thank you very much!
I tried uninstalling/reinstalling the flash player first, but no joy.
Changing my security settings didn't make any difference.
Ran reset.cmd file and that worked. Thank you very much!
Prior to running the reset.cmd file, CS3's Production Premium updater unsuccessfully attempted to install updates, several times. Each time I was prompted to reinstall my software. After running the reset.cmd file, the updater successfully installed all the updates and everything appears to be good to go.
I wasn't looking forward to uninstalling/reinstalling my software and it turns out I didn't have to...so thanks again.





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Jun 23, 2008 Jun 23, 2008

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Originally posted by: drakontes

Originally posted by: Darren McNally - Adobe

Incorrect permissions in the system registry:

To fix these Windows system registry permission conflicts you can use Microsoft’s SubInACL tool.

Please download Microsoft’s tool to your desktop.


1. Login as the User that has the incorrect permissions in the system registry
2. unzip the “reset_minimal.cmd” and the “subinacl.exe” to the desktop

*** Make sure both files are on the desktop

3. Close out all applications
4. Run the “reset.cmd” file
5. It will open a DOS like terminal and start running through registry keys
6. When it is finished it will say “press any key to continue”
7. At this point you can download the latest Flash Player from here:


Thank you very much!
I tried uninstalling/reinstalling the flash player first, but no joy.
Changing my security settings didn't make any difference.
Ran reset.cmd file and that worked. Thank you very much!
Prior to running the reset.cmd file, CS3's Production Premium updater unsuccessfully attempted to install updates, several times. Each time I was prompted to reinstall my software. After running the reset.cmd file, the updater successfully installed all the updates and everything appears to be good to go.
I wasn't looking forward to uninstalling/reinstalling my software and it turns out I didn't have to...so thanks again.

Thanks drakontes,

Glad to hear that you got this resolved. SubInACL is a Microsoft program that repairs permissions. For others out there experiencing issues with Windows IE ActiveX installers, this might help you.





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New Here ,
Feb 18, 2008 Feb 18, 2008

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I tried all the steps that you suggested...I still get the message "failure to insatall Active X control....Is this the same message that you were receiving ?





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Feb 19, 2008 Feb 19, 2008

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Originally posted by: dr00t
Alright everyone, I have solved this issue. I hope it works for all of you as well.

You must have administrator privileges to successfully complete these instructions.

1. Follow the instructions to download the SubInACL tool from the Microsoft Download Center. Click Here

2. Install SubInACL.

3. Download the reset_minimal.zip file. Click Here

4. Extract the reset_minimal.cmd file to C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\.

5. *Important: Be sure that both the subinacl.exe and reset_minimal.cmd files are in the same location here: C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\.

6. Double-click reset_minimal.cmd.

7. This will open a command window and execute the SubInACL tool.

8. Do not use the machine while SubInACL is running.

9. When it is finished you will see "Press any key to continue".

10. Install the Flash Player from www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer.





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New Here ,
Mar 02, 2008 Mar 02, 2008

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You will not read too far 'til you realize I am not too smart at this. I just want flash Have tried for months and months to install flash. Can you tell me what the line means that says "You must have administrator privileges to successfully complete these instructions"?





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New Here ,
Mar 03, 2008 Mar 03, 2008

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Have tried all the steps that I have read of, but instead of seeing the FLV movie to verify the installation, I get a blank wintow with the small 'X' box in the upper left corner. What am I missing?





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New Here ,
Mar 13, 2008 Mar 13, 2008

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Hi, I have given up trying to get flash going on IE7, there is a exelent offline installer for firefox, why isnt there a offline installer for IE? it would make life much easier.

I am turning into a grumpy old man and getting cranky with the world with vista and IE causing me pain! Ah!!

Please make life easy again, make a offline installer avalable! or let me know the URL... I cant find one on google.





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