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Disk cache files from earlier versions of AE are stranded

Community Expert ,
Nov 16, 2016 Nov 16, 2016

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While doing some housekeeping on my Macbook Pro, I noticed that AE cache files were taking up a sizable amount of disk space. As I dug further, I saw that there were several folders within the Library/Caches file tree that were associated with various older versions of AE. I had folders from thred different 13.X versions, as well as the latest 14.X. In updating AE, I have typically selected the option in the CC desktop app to "delete old versions" of my apps.

It was surprising to me to find all these old stranded cache folders, totaling over 30Gb on my OS drive. I couldn't find a way to "purge" the oder caches from the latest AE CC2017 version.

My query: Is this behavior expected? I've trashed the older folders, and will keep a close eye on this in the future, but it sure seems surprising to me. I'm traveling, so haven't been able to compare the situation with my Windows production machine back in the office yet.

Thanks for listening!






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