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Getting RevMob iOS extension to work, and LinkerOptions/platform.xml

Explorer ,
Oct 21, 2014 Oct 21, 2014

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Hello AIR community!

I am trying to implement RevMob ads in an app for a client using RevMob's AIR Native Extension (ANE). I have the extension successfully working on Android, but I don't see any ads on iOS.

RevMob's extension and documentation is located here: RevMob Adobe Air SDK  In the iOS section, they have provided <LinkerOptions> and mention some changes to platform.xml. From my understanding, those things are only relevant when compiling an ANE, is that correct?

I tried asking RevMob for support on this but they don't seem to understand what I'm saying; they told me the directions are for Flash Builder and to make sure I was using Flash Builder. I don't, I use FlashDevelop, but I've used dozens of other extensions in FlashDevelop with no problem and I've never had to set LinkerOptions or modify a platform.xml to use an iOS extension. I would guess that they have failed to understand how to use an ANE after compiling it and there is probably a change needed to the <InfoAdditions> section of the app XML. Am I missing something here or is the fault on RevMob's end?

Finally, I would greatly appreciate hearing from anyone who has gotten the RevMob ANE working on iOS and any special steps you had to follow that aren't listed in their documentation.

Much appreciated!







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